Okay, so here is the list. 10 Games at a time for 8 days. The top twenty get their own post. Before I begin a few rules. This is my opinion. Mine alone. -It is based on both how much I enjoyed the game AND how well made I think it is. -Graphics will be judged relative to their time period. -I hold different genres to different standards. I.E. The story is the most important part of an RPG , whereas it is insignificant in a fighting game -I am not influenced in any way by popular culture or other lists. I read a similar list in a magazine some years ago and their number 1 game doesn't even make my list. In addition, I don't care what ratings games got. -Sports games will be listed as series' rather than individual titles. I.E. Madden is simply listed as Madden, not Madden 02, Madden 03, etc. -There will be spoilers. -PS3, XBox 360, Will, PSP , and DS were not considered. I haven't spent enough time with them to really do so. So, without further interruption ... 10...
Old school game reviews and discussion, from the unfamiliar and obscure to the classics you know and love.