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Showing posts with the label Beginner RPGs

Super Mario RPG: Remake vs. Original

  I mean, you had to know this was coming, right? You know how I love to do my comparisons, and this was just too easy. You could see it coming from a mile away. Of course, that's something you definitely can't say about the SMRPG remake itself. It's a few months later and I already finished the game, but it still doesn't feel like a reality that it actually exists. Even with all of the remakes that we see nowadays, I am really surprised that this game got the treatment. A lot of things had to align and, allegedly, a lot of bad blood had to be sorted out for it to happen. But here we are, we have a shiny new Super Mario RPG remake for the Nintendo Switch with updated graphics, music, translation and just about everything under the sun. Before anyone asks, I had originally planned a 10-Round Fight for this, it seemed logical at first. After playing Final Fantasy VII Remake and seeing how different it was from the original, I kind of had in my head that all remakes would ...

The 10's: Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow

  I want to be the very best, like no one ever was... I've covered a lot of obscure games since I started GOTBP ore than three years ago. Even some of the "bigger" titles I've covered aren't really that popular in the grand scheme of things. Well, this time it's going to be a little different, because it's time to talk about the single largest merchandising brand in the world: Pokemon. But we aren't going to be discussing the new Arceus games, or Pokemon Go, or how people are literally fighting each other to get their hands on the cards right now. We are going back to the beginning: back to a little game, for a little console that made a big amount of people pay attention to what was, at the time, a relatively niche form of entertainment. I'd like to start by talking about Pokemon, the little Game Boy game that could, which came out of nowhere and changed the world of gaming. I'd like to do that, but it would be a gross exaggeration. While I do...

Mega Man X: Command Mission - Part 2

Last week, I took a high level look at Mega Man X: Command Mission, an RPG featuring side scrolling stalwart Mega Man.  Now its time to take a closer look. I guess we can get started with the first thing anyone would notice: the graphics.  They are pretty good, everything is bright and bold and all the characters look great.  The attacks look cool, the enemies are well done and the backgrounds are serviceable.  I found a lot of the areas to kind of look dull and sterile.  There isnā€™t much to look at, but it kind of fits the setting of the MMX universe.  My eye was usually drawn to the enemies, many of whom appear in 3D for the first time.  That might not matter to non fans, but as a Mega Man aficionado I thought it was cool. The music and sound effects are also great, but the cutscenes....whooooo boy.  It brings us to one of the biggest flaws in the game.  Anyone that has played any of the PS1/Saturn MMX games (X4, X...