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Showing posts with the label Mutant Chronicles

Doom Troopers

Unlike most of the games I have talked about so far, I have played quite a bit of this weekā€™s entry. I was never the most social gamer, often eschewing multiplayer staples for individual gaming experiences.  When friends came over, my collection of two player co-op games offered slim pickings, so we played a lot of Doom Troopers.  Of course, that was a long time ago and once we moved on to other systems, this game sort of fell by the wayside.  I figure now is a good time to revisit it. I remember being excited about this game when I got it, as the ā€œDoomā€ in the title led me to believe this would have something to do with, well, ā€œDoom.ā€  It could have less to do with the FPS juggernaut, but it does take place in the Mutant Chronicles Universe.  Ever heard of it?  Yeah, neither had I.  Itā€™s a post-apocalyptic pen and paper RPG from the 90ā€™s, which actually has a pretty cool storyline.  My guess is the game was part of a large...