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Showing posts with the label the granstream saga

The Granstream Saga

Moving away from the 16-bit era, its time once again to discuss a PS1 era RPG. Itā€™s no secret that there were tons of these on the PlayStation and while many of them are considered all time classics, many more have fallen into obscurity. The Granstream Saga definitely falls into the latter category. What we have here is an action RPG released towards the middle of the systems life-cycle that was intended as a spiritual successor to Japan-only Super Nintendo (well, Super Famicom) game Terranigma. Thanks to the wonders of emulation and fan translations, Terranigma has established itself as a cult classic in the West. Itā€™s pseudo-sequel, despite having actually been released in the U.S., is still just a footnote. Starting with the story, you play as a young man named Eon, who is responsible for cutting pieces off of his home continent to help it float. The surface of Eonā€™s world is covered in water, with whatā€™s left of humanity living on a series of four floating continen...