Joe & Mac, NES After taking baby steps back through gaming history, its time to jump in head first and go back to the Stone Age. Well, I guess the NES would technically be more like the Bronze Age or something like that. Of course, it did have its share of games based on cave men, including the subject of our post today. It should be noted that this is a port of an arcade game. That was pretty common at the time and even the best ports fail to live up to the arcade experience. I will only be discussing the NES game because, well, thatās the version I played. I should also note this is a Data East game. The now defunct gaming company made some pretty good arcade games in the 80s and 90s, but its console offerings were usually pretty terrible. We are talking like LJN level. I can think of at least one that I plan on reviewing at some point. Anyway, this meant my expectations were low going in. ...
Old school game reviews and discussion, from the unfamiliar and obscure to the classics you know and love.