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Showing posts with the label Playstation 2

Twisted Metal: Black

  We've talked a ton about first series' first games over the past few weeks, but now it's time to shift gears a little bit. It's time to talk about reboots. I really hope it came through just how great I think Twisted Metal 2 is. I know I'm not the only one who feels that way, reviews and sales numbers back my conclusion that it's absolutely a game worth playing. The first game put the series on the map, but the second took it to the top of the world. TM had become one of Sony's flagship franchises and it looked like it was going to become a huge cash cow, turning out game after game like a well oiled machine. That was, of course, until the machine broke down. But it wasn't an explosive ice cream cone or a barrage of patriot missiles that did it in. No, it was something much less interesting. A contract dispute between developer SingleTrac and Sony caused the gaming giant to shift development duties to one of their in-house teams, 989 Studios. But tha...

Samurai Warriors

  I've talked a lot about video game series' that haven't stood the test of time, or even one off titles that never managed to receive sequels. That's relatively common amongst lesser known video games. But for this week's entry, it's most certainly not the case. Despite being a somewhat a forgotten series among mainstream gamers in the west, Samurai Warriors is huge in Japan. It also has a relatively small but very dedicated fanbase. They're pretty obviously dedicated, because there wouldn't be 5.8 billion spinoffs and sequels if they weren't. Five numbered sequels, Xtreme Legends, Chronicles and Empires spinoffs, sequels to sequels, ports, Japan only titles, you name it, Samurai Warriors has done it. "Bet you they didn't do a Samurai Warriors racing spinoff!" Yeah I guess you're right, how could they have...oh...wait, they did? It's called Samurai Derby, and it's a free to play browser game. Look it up. The series has an e...

NHL Hitz 2003

For a lot of gamers, sports games are a love it or hate it affair.  Some gamers want jocks out of nerd culture, or think that playing a game about something they could go outside and do is a waste of time.  Yet others love the skill testing and competitive nature, or want an opportunity to live the dream of playing in the pros. Personally, I think franchise mode Madden is the most underrated RPG of all time.  I could go on as to why, but we arenā€™t here to talk about Madden or any of its simulation style brethren.  Today, we discuss arcade style sports titles.  Specifically, the long forgotten NHL Hitz franchise. Most gamers, both casual and hardcore, are familiar with NBA Jam or NFL Blitz.  Rather than focus on a realistic representation of their sports, these titles focused on insane plays and bone crunching hits.  Why make a perfect form tackle when you can German suplex the QB and then hit him with an elbow drop?  I...