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Showing posts with the label Horizon:Zero Dawn

Horizon:Zero Dawn

Wait a minute, this is supposed to be a blog about finding hidden retro gaming gems, why am I writing about a AAA title that came out like a year ago?  Well, I played it and I figured I would write a review since I donā€™t really play too many modern games.  Hell, I only played HZD because it went on sale for 10 bucks. I canā€™t say this review is completely off topic either.  One of the main reasons I stopped keeping up with newer games is my fatigue with FPSā€™ and open world games.  I am just so tired of them and thatā€™s all there are anymore.  The whole ā€œOMG ITS SOOPER DOOPER EPIC AND I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!!!ā€ Thing wears thin when every game is like that.  Fortunately, Horizon does enough different from its predecessors.  For one, it actually has a plot.  Rather than put you in the role of a nameless protagonist, HZD puts you in the shoes of Aloy, a young girl who has been raised as a tribal outcast in a post apocalyptic worl...