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Quest 64

Oh boy, hereā€™s an interesting one. Part of this whole ā€œoff the beaten pathā€ thing is avoiding the infamous games as much as it is avoiding the famous ones.  You donā€™t need me to tell you all that Superman 64 is terrible or that all of those CD-I Zelda games suck.  The internet and common sense already told us all that as much as they told us that Super Mario World is great.  Thereā€™s a consensus there and its not based solely on name value. Which brings us to Quest 64.  One of, like, three N64 RPGs, quest is pretty much universally disliked.  It isnā€™t for lack of studio star power, THQ is gone now but they were cranking out hits in the late 90s.  Most of the complaints stem from the gameā€™s simplicity, lack of story and general ā€œmy first RPGā€ vibe.  But are those criticisms valid?  And does it deserve the reputation it has?  Yes.  And Also No.   We will start with the story, or lack thereof.  You p...