Oh great, another racing game. Look, I think I’ve made it pretty clear I don’t really like these things, but they don’t take too much time to play or review. This one isn’t even that obscure, a lot of folks that played video games in those days have heard of it and its even part of the Nintendo World Championship cartridge. It wasn’t quite mainstream, but not really off the path either. I do talk a lot on here about “the name in the corner” with games. Games are frequently under- or overrated because of who developed or published them, probably more so than any other type of media. It was true then and it it still true now, even though there are far fewer developers (if you aren’t counting indie developers, of course) than there used to be. Most of the ones that were around in those days were very specialized and known for making games in only one or two genres. And that’s what makes Rad Racer weird. You m...
Old school game reviews and discussion, from the unfamiliar and obscure to the classics you know and love.