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Showing posts with the label shooter

The 10's: The Last of Us

I struggled for a long time with surviving. And, no matter what, you keep finding something to fight for. Another week, another timely post. I have yet to "The Last of Us" on HBO, but I have heard nothing but effusive praise. What little bits I have seen look pretty great and seem to jive with what I've heard in reviews. One of the biggest positives I've heard? It actually follows the plot of the game. Oh My! A show about a video game that actually follows said video game? Who would have ever thought that would work? Doesn't everyone know video games don't work as TV shows and you have to completely change the plot and characters to make them fit? Did they learn nothing from the smashing success of Resident Evil? Look, not every video game plot is going to work as a full-on television show. You would have to venture pretty far from the plot of, say, Tetris to create a good or even workable program (that's an extreme example, but you get the point). But tha...

007: Everything or Nothing

  Great, now I have to talk about something I've been dreading for the last three years. It's time to talk about my absolute least favorite genre of games, bar none. I know I've talked at length about my general dislike of racing games, but there are plenty of titles in the genre I like. I mean, I F-Zero GX is tied for my highest score ever and I certainly didn't hate games like Chocobo Racing or even NASCAR '99. I don't love racers, but there are plenty of them I like, and I understand what people see in the genre. But you already knew this wasn't a racing game as soon as you saw "007" in the title (there actually does exist a 007 Racing game, which I will try to track down, but this isn't it). No, instead, everyone's favorite super spy is going to force me to discuss a genre I absolutely loath: cover-based 3rd person shooters. I may have to put an asterisk on this one like I did Jet Grind Radio, because I don't think I've ever ...

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

I just realized I missed out on the opportunity to do an on-theme post for the whole ā€œMay the 4th be with youā€ thing.  Oh well, better late than never I guess. It probably wonā€™t come as a surprise that there are eleventy billion Star Wars video games out there, ranging from completely mainstream to totally obscure.  I bet most of you out there have so familiarity with ā€œBattlefrontā€ or ā€œForce Unleashed,ā€ but how many of you have played ā€œYodaā€™s Stories?ā€  I figured I would split the difference with a game that was a huge deal back in the 90s, but has since fallen out of the gaming consciousness: ā€œShadows of the Empire,ā€ a third person shooter for the Nintendo 64. Before I get into the game, I should say that I am the rare ā€œcasualā€ Star Wars fan.  It seems like this is a franchise that everyone either loves to death or straight up doesnā€™t care about.  I have seen, and thoroughly enjoy, all the classic trilogy films.  I have seen all ...