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Showing posts with the label Guilty Gear X2

Guilty Gear X2

Looking back at my last couple of posts, I realize I have been neglecting the PS2/GameCube/XBox generation.  Itā€™s strange, because I probably have more PS2 games than anything, seeing as I had a lot of disposable income and time when they were at the end of its lifespan.  I bought a lot of $10 games in those days.   And apparently, Guilty Gear X2 was one of those games.  Released in 2003, its the third in a series of fighting games that date back to 1998.  While the game has its share of sequels, with the most recent coming in 2015, it isnā€™t exactly a mainstream series.  If I were asked to name fighting game seriesā€™ Iā€™d go a long way before I got to Guilty Gear.  But is it any good? I will start with two elements of the game, one very bad and one very good, that stood out the most.  Essentially, they will cancel each other out in my evaluation. First, the bad.  Anime.  Remember the Cosmic Star Heroine re...