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Shining Force

Itā€™s back to the Sega Genesis this week.  What can I say, I ignored it for too long, even in my younger years. Itā€™s no secret that the Super Nintendo was regarded as a haven for great RPGs while the Genesis was widely considered a wasteland for the genre.  But was that really the case?  The first part was certainly true.  There are dozens of really good to great RPGs for the SNES, especially if you include Super Famicom games.  But was it really that much better than the Genesisā€™ RPG library? Honestly, yes.  But that doesnā€™t mean the Genesis was the RPG wasteland it was made out to be.  It had a number of solid entries in the genre, mostly from its two main RPG seriesā€™.  I already discussed the amazing Phantasy Star IV, a game I never realized was as classic as it was.  That inspired me to look into Segaā€™s other oft discussed RPG series: Shining Force. Released in 1993, Shining Force was actually the second game in the series, a follow-...