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Showing posts with the label 2d fighters

Kizuna Encounter: Tag Battle

 It's back to the Neo Geo this week, I've been in a fighting game mood and it's quickly become the first console I turn to when that happens.  I've always found it weird how often I remember some of these games I come across from when I was a kid. Don't get me wrong, I had never played Kizuna Encounter: Tag Battle, or its predecessor Savage Reign, in my life before I did it for this post. But from the second I booted it up, everything about it seemed so familiar. I guess that happens a lot with fighting games, they almost always feel some level of familiar to Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat. I guess in the SNK universe, it's Fatal Fury that many of these fighters feel similar to. But that wasn't really the case with KETB. It took me a while, but I finally realized where I had seen this game before. I've said this before, in fact I dedicated an entire post and podcast episode to it, but I was a huge connoisseur of video game magazines when I was a kid. Ho...

Far East of Eden: Kabuki Klash

  It's time to check another obscure 90's console off the list. Okay, it's not really THAT obscure, but it's definitely not one a lot of people, or anyone I know really, grew up with. Arcade giants SNK are very well known in the gaming community, especially among fighting game fans. Samurai Showdown, Fatal Fury, King of Fighters, you could go all day just listing out fighting games that they were responsible for. Of course, they also had plenty of other well known titles like Metal Slug and Ikari Warriors. SNK is actually still in business today, though it's technically not the same as the original company went bankrupt in the early 00's. Normally I try to include some basic background about how these companies end up where they do, but I am going to spare everyone thousands of words of legal jargon and just simply describe the company's history with an emphatic "it's complicated." Either way, most gamers knew about their titles from either arc...

Street Fighter III: New Generation

  You learn something new every day I guess. I was very much aware of Street Fighter III: Third Strike. Like, very much aware. I put tons of hours into that game. It barely missed out on being a 10's game. It's the only game I've ever played in any sort of semi-official competition (I won my first round matchup before getting absolutely smashed by someone who actually knew what they were doing in the second). And yet I didn't realize it was actually the third game in the Street Fighter III series. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It's not like Capcom didn't have a penchant for doing this. Street Fighter II was essentially it's own series, there's World Warrior, Champion Edition, Turbo, Super Street Fighter II, Super Turbo, on and on, you get the point. So I guess it makes sense that they would do the same thing with SF III and I shouldn't have been too shocked to see that there were two other games, New Generation and 2nd Impact, that were rele...

Killer Instinct

We've talked quite a bit about remakes over the last few weeks, so I guess now is as good a time as ever to also look at a reboot. Reboots have some similarities to remakes, but they are most certainly not the same. Whereas a remake tends to stick with similar plot or gameplay mechanics from its original, reboots tend to change one or both of those things entirely. Moreover, they are created with the express purpose of doing so. A lot of video game series have done this over the years, Mortal Kombat is the first one that comes to mind. I have heard some folks say the Final Fantasy VII Remake is actually a reboot. It isn't, because reboots typically erase all previous cannon and FFVIIR doesn't, but it does feel like one in a lot of ways. I don't want to get too far into it, because we could go all day talking about hard reboots vs. soft reboots and other minutia like that. Instead, I want to focus on the 2013 reboot of Killer Instinct, a game that I always wanted to ch...

Mortal Kombat

  It's come to my attention that last week was the 30th anniversary of one of gaming's most iconic franchises: Mortal Kombat. I can't believe it's been 30 years since the bone crunching, blood gushing debut of MK, a franchise that's now a household name even outside of gaming circles. It may not have always given us the best games, but few IPs have had as much impact on media as a whole as Mortal Kombat. Not going to lie, I wasn't quite there from the beginning. I was only 4 in 1992 when the original game hit the arcade, I was dabbling in video games at the time but it's not like I could get in the car and drive myself to an arcade. It wasn't really the next year, when MKII hit the arcades where I got found the franchise for the first time. I will never forget walking into the arcade at the now-defunct Bowcraft, seeing the cabinet with Raiden calling down thunderbolts and thinking to myself "I have to play that." Of course my parents let me, th...

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers

  Hey wait, didn't you already play that? Nah, you guys aren't crazy, I already played Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers for the SNES, quite a while ago at this point. This time, I'm previewing the Genesis version. But remember, the gaming industry wasn't always like it is now, where every game that gets released across different consoles is essentially the same. It's not that that never happened during the bit wars, because it did. Street Fighter II Turbo and Champion Edition are essentially the same and I could think of tons of examples like that. But in a lot of cases, especially during the 4th generation, every console got different versions of a game. And we aren't just talking slightly different, we are talking a completely different game entirely. I actually kind of like the way it is now, where each console gets the same version. Because back in the day, there was a lot of contention over which version of which game was better, especially between SNES a...

Fatal Fury Special

  After a few years of doing this, I've come to realize that what constitutes "off the beaten path" is entirely subjective. There are certainly video game series' that are part of more general popular culture. I would venture a guess that most people out there have heard of Mario or Sonic, even if they've never picked up a controller in their lives. But by the same token, I'm sure there's also someone out there that's like "Shadow Madness? That's not obscure! You don't know what obscure is until you've played Kaiju No Riho: Gaijin Densetsu Gaiden: Don't Panic! without an English translation patch!" I know I've certainly played my share of games that aren't all that obscure. But some of them are really out there for me. I grew up without a Sega console, so stuff like Phantasy Star and Shining Force were completely foreign to me. And that's true of all of us. Ask an American gamer what their favorite ZX Spectrum ga...

Street Fighter

  After damn near 30 years of gaming, I finally got the chance to play the original Street Fighter. As a kid, I always thought it was weird that no one ever talked about Street Fighter 1, like, ever. We always just called Street Fighter II "Street Fighter" since it was the first one most people experienced. It was the game on all the store shelves, it was the in all the arcades, it was basically everywhere. Most of us never even knew there was a Street Fighter I, much less what console it was on (the Turbografx 16, for the record) or where to find an arcade cabinet. I learned about it for the first time via the Street Fighter II Turbo/Champion Edition players guide, where it's referenced in the history section. But it wasn't until this past week that I was able to actually get my hands on it, thanks to finally caving and getting the SF 30th Anniversary Edition. It's always interesting to go back and look at first games in well-known series' to see how their r...

Flying Dragon

  One of the biggest problems I believe the gaming industry has is how quick it is to dismiss mediocre or even bad games as a complete waste of time. That may not seem like it makes sense at all, but hear me out. Just because a game is bad doesn't necessarily mean all the ideas it presents are bad. In fact, I feel like you can sometimes learn more from a failure than a success. But that doesn't always happen in the gaming industry. I think this is a big part of why it sometimes feels like the same game gets released over and over again, developers just take everything from their successes and slap a new label on them. Sometimes, it would help the industry innovate more if they took some of the more positive aspects from their less successful titles. In case it wasn't immediately apparent, Flying Dragon, a fighting game for the Nintendo 64, isn't a particularly good game. I probably could have just said "fighting game for the Nintendo 64" and you probably could...