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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers

 Hey wait, didn't you already play that?

Nah, you guys aren't crazy, I already played Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers for the SNES, quite a while ago at this point. This time, I'm previewing the Genesis version. But remember, the gaming industry wasn't always like it is now, where every game that gets released across different consoles is essentially the same. It's not that that never happened during the bit wars, because it did. Street Fighter II Turbo and Champion Edition are essentially the same and I could think of tons of examples like that. But in a lot of cases, especially during the 4th generation, every console got different versions of a game. And we aren't just talking slightly different, we are talking a completely different game entirely. I actually kind of like the way it is now, where each console gets the same version. Because back in the day, there was a lot of contention over which version of which game was better, especially between SNES and Genesis owners.

For a lot of games, a general consensus has been developed as to which console got the better version of each game. It's generally accepted that the Genesis got the better versions of Aladdin and the original Mortal Kombat, while the SNES had the better versions of Sunset Riders and Mortal Kombat II. But what about Power Rangers? We've already established the SNES version, a side scrolling beat em' up released in 1994, was a solid, if unspectacular, video game. It had great graphics and sound and tight gameplay, but was also very short, derivative and lacked some of the more prominent characters from the show. It wasn't anything to write home about, but it was a solid effort from and experienced developer in Natsume that gave fans of MMPR something to kill a few hours. The Sega Genesis version, developed by Banpresto, went in a completely different direction. It's a one-on-one fighting game, which I thought was a pretty solid idea. I always preferred fighting games to beat em' ups, so I was a bit jealous that Sega fans got this version. How did it turn out? Well, while the SNES is merely a solid game, the Genesis version is...absolutely horrific. Sorry Sega kids, you got hosed on this one. The Genesis version of MMPR is one of the worst games I've played in a long time, a complete and total butchering of what should have been an easily executable, super fun experience.

I will start by giving the Genesis version some level of credit for doing one, and only one, thing better than the SNES version. The Genesis version does a better job of including actually important characters from the show. Rather than include the largely obscure enemies from the SNES version, they have more recognizable monsters like Goldar, Cyclopsis and Madame Woe, as well as the evil versions of the Green Ranger and Dragonzord. They also have decent looking story cutscenes featuring Rita and her goons. They aren't actually available to play as or against, but at least characters like Finster, Squat, Baboo and Scorpina are acknowledged here. I have to give props there, that's huge upgrade over the SNES version, who's most recognizable enemy was Mutitus. Other positives include it not having the worst graphics I've ever seen, not being buggy and completely unplayable and....well, that's about it really.

MMPR for the Genesis is a mess from the very start. I mean, literally, the very start. The SNES featured the full Power Rangers theme, complete with vocals. The Genesis version has a poor, barely recognizable version of the theme that assails your ears almost immediately. I know I've said before I don't necessarily like the Genesis sound chip, but this was just unacceptable. The sound as a whole isn't very good, it's just the same few bland, uninspired tracks throughout the game, all of which sound grainy and weird. The controls are similarly terrible, which is shocking considering you only have two attack buttons, punch and kick. I guess I could give them the benefit of the doubt and say they did this to accommodate a 3-button controller but based on how bad everything else is I think it has more to do with laziness. The movement is unbelievably stiff, and it feels like a chore to get the rangers to do anything. I guess there is some level of fairness, as the enemies are so poorly animated that they also move like they are fighting in molasses, but it still sucks.

You pick from one of the five rangers, each of whom are ever so slightly different from one another. Everyone has two unique special moves, as well as a blaster shot. You take on the same five opponents, in the same order every single time, as both your ranger and Megazord (the lone exception being after the battle with the green ranger, where you fight Dragonzord). The Megazord battles are even worse, because he controls like crap and his special moves are borderline useless. Again, a cool concept absolutely wrecked by bad execution. While the controls are not even remotely responsive, the scheme is at least simple. D-pad moves, A is a weak attack, B is a strong attack. That's it. At least you can, in theory, perform special moves. Every ranger has three, which are performed via quarter and half circle motions or repeated button tapping. At least they are supposed to be, but these moves only work when they feel like it and are usually not worth even attempting. The only way I could ever consistently win rounds was by spamming the Black Ranger's axe spin move, which is not a good sign. That indicates that the game is difficult because of general cheapness and not actual challenge.

There is a multiplayer mode, which I guess is a positive? I would be very upset at anyone who forced me to play this game, but I guess that they should have included it because that is what you do with a 1 on 1 fighting game. There aren't really any other game modes, but that was pretty standard for the era and besides, who would want to play a time attack or tournament mode of a game that sucks. I mean, the backgrounds, all three of them, look okay, as do the rangers and enemies. You can unlock the Green Ranger in multiplayer mode, though it would have been nicer to just, you know, have him and all the monster characters selectable? Maybe? I'm sorry there just isn't much to say other than "there were good ideas here, they were just poorly executed." Remember, games like Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, even Fatal Fury had set a standard for what fighting games should look and play like and this absolutely didn't meet that.

A Power Rangers fighting game is not an idea that's doomed from the start. In fact, I actually think it's a great idea. But great ideas will only take you so far, you have to execute them well. I find that a lot of times, games will get a few things right, a few things wrong and start a series that will sink or swim based on whether they adequately focus on the former while eliminating the latter. But MMPR didn't get anything right in terms of gameplay. It's a slow, plodding inconsistent fighting game where the everything is made up and the rules don't matter. At least it looks a little bit like the show and it has tons of characters represented that other MMPR games didn't. But that doesn't excuse horrible gameplay. Usually when both consoles got different versions of games, they were at least similar in quality. But not here. The SNES version is okay. This is...not.



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