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Showing posts with the label the adventures of rocky and bullwinkle and friends

The Adventures of Rocky and Bulwinkle and Friends

So this week, the plan was going to be to go back to reviewing ā€œkid friendly games.ā€   I mean, Rocky and Bullwinkle certainly qualify as a kid friendly IP.  Their original run was well before my time (think 1960s), but thanks to ā€œNick at Night,ā€ they were a major part of my childhood.  I couldnā€™t tell you what a single episode was about, I just know I loved tuning in every night for the antics of a flying squirrel, dopey moose and their Russian Nemeses (because remember, communists are bad and all Russians were communists before 1991) Boris and Natasha. I am just going to cut to the chase here, this ā€œgameā€ barely qualifies as a game.  This is a instrument of torture.  ā€œDays of Thunderā€ is a bad game.  ā€œRise of the Robotsā€ is a horrible game.  This puts them to shame.  I can honestly say playing this is one of the worst things that happened to me this year.  I would put it just below the stomach virus I got in February....