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Showing posts with the label ps2. shooters

Dirge of Cerberus

Nowadays, it seems like any game that becomes remotely popular gets some sort of spinoff.  Hell, they took a mini game from The Witcher and turned it into its own standalone title. But that wasnā€™t always a given.  Even with a game as popular as Final Fantasy VII, the thought of having a cannon spinoff wasnā€™t something that crossed most peopleā€™s minds.  I talked last week about how deep the characters in FFVII were, so it would make sense to give them their own time in the spotlight.  Dirge of Cerberus puts said spotlight on Vincent, one of the more popular characters from the original game.  Though heā€™s and optional character, Vincent has a very deep, intricate backstory that is very closely related to many of the critical characters of the universe.  Aside from Cloud, heā€™s probably they only member of your party that has close ties to both the Shinra and Sephiroth.  So a spinoff about him definitely makes sense from a storyline pe...