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Showing posts with the label GOTBP

2019 Year in Review: Best Game, Worst Game, Most Surprising and Most Disappointing

Itā€™s been about a year since I started blogging about games again.  The combination of goings on at work and a new yearā€™s resolution led to this whole thing and frankly, I canā€™t believe I saw it through.  Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m not stopping anytime soon, Iā€™m just shocked I didnā€™t stop half way through.  I am excited for yet another year of gaming and I have tons of changes planned for next year. With that said, its time for my inaugural end of year awards.  I have played and reviewed a lot of games this year and its time to go back and reflect.  For these completely fictional awards that I just made up in my head, I will be naming best game, worst game, biggest surprise, most disappointing, most potential for a series revival/sequel and most unique.  First, a reminder of my scores, from highest to lowest. Sonic Mania 9.25/10 The Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon 9.25/10 Vigilante 8 9/10 All star Baseball 99 8.5/10 Guilt Gea...