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Showing posts with the label final fantasy

Why do People Hate Final Fantasy VIII So Much?

Last week, we looked at one of my favorite, and one of the internet's least favorite, video games of all time, Final Fantasy VIII. I'm not going to say that all the criticism of the game is unfounded, but a lot of it is and I want to explore why, or at least why I think that's the case. Be prepared for some nerd rage, because I may get a little more testy than I usually. The hate spewed at this game is often very vitriolic, far more so than any other title I've ever seen, and I may end up paying some of that back in kind. First, let's go back to my post on unfairly hated games . Let's run down the list of common factors and see how many of them FFVIII checks: -It was released unfinished - actually, a little bit, though I don't think it was a major factor in all the hate. The game was released with support for the Pocket PlayStation, with some items and a Chocobo minigame exclusive to the peripheral. The problem here? The Pocket PlayStation was never release...

The 10s: Final Fantasy VIII

  I'll be here. I'll be waiting for you. If you come here, you will find me, I promise. So, I think this is going to be a two-part post, because I have a lot to say about Final Fantasy VIII. I was going to come out guns blazing as to why this game is so misunderstood, but I think that wouldn't do the game the justice it deserves. Despite all the negativity its name carries, Final Fantasy VIII is one of my favorite games of all time. In case it wasn't immediately apparent by my post last week, I find it to be one of the most, if not the most, unfairly maligned video games of all time. I'm not entirely surprised as it checks just about all the boxes I outlined last week and it came on the heels of one of the most beloved games of all time. It's very different from the previous Final Fantasy games, almost to the point of not feeling like one at all. Its aesthetic is different, its characters are different, it's gameplay is different, it's just generally dif...

Chocobo Racing

It seems like every gaming IP from the late 90's/early 00's ended up with a kart racer. Even some non-gaming IPs got kart racers. Anybody remember Homie Rollerz? Maybe I'll play that one later. I guess you can thank Mario Kart for all of that. I mean, hey, it worked for Nintendo, why wouldn't it work for everyone else? Because all developers take the time and care in creating their spinoffs as Nintendo while also having a similarly large cast of memorable characters to pull from, right? Yeah, a lot of these racers turn out to be not great, they're kind of like movie licensed games that are cranked out just to to make a quick buck. And it's not just second rate developers that are guilty either. Sega has since redeemed themselves, but Sonic R wasn't a very good game at all. That said, not every kart racer is a bad Mario Kart clone. Crash Team Racing is a very good game, one I'll likely review in the near future. Even though one turned out well and the oth...

10s Tuesday: Final Fantasy VII Party Members

For my 10ā€™s, Iā€™ve decided that one post isnā€™t enough.  Each Tuesday after I write about one, Iā€™m going to do an additional post pertaining to the game or series I covered.  Most of these are going to be lists, rankings, etc.  As always, these are subjective, unscientific and literally just one guyā€™s opinion.  I do plan on going back and doing one for the two I already covered (Doom and Madden), but for now we are going to stick with FF VII.  I am going to rank the party members based on usefulness, power level and just generally how good they are.  This has nothing to do with how well written they are, how cool they are, etc. its strictly about their combat prowess.  I am also going to be considering how they perform for the whole playthrough, not just maxed out.  Thatā€™s a whole different discussion.  Anyway, without further adieu: 9 - Cait Sith - In a lot of Final Fantasy games, characters that are obnoxious or unlikeable actually turn out...

The 10s: Final Fantasy VII

ā€œThere ainā€™t no gettin off this train weā€™re on...ā€ Happy Final Fantasy VII month!  In case you werenā€™t aware, the much anticipated remake of the 1997 classic is slated to release April 10, quarantine or no quarantine.  I was going to cover FFVII with my other 10s anyway, but one post canā€™t adequately convey how I feel about this game and its universe. So, I am going to dedicate this whole month to FFVII, its spinoffs and finally, the remake (If I can actually get my hands on it, that is).  Now is probably the time to mention that there are going to be some serious spoilers, though I am going to actively try to avoid them. What is there to say about Final Fantasy VII that hasnā€™t already been said?  It was a killer app for the original PlayStation, which was even more impactful for Sony as it flipped one of Nintendoā€™s key franchises.  It put the PS1 through its paces, setting a new standard for what games could do in terms of graphics...

Final Fantasy VII Remake Demo

(Just a heads up, there are some light spoilers ahead) So, weā€™re going to take a break from our regularly scheduled programming to discuss this early look at the Final Fantasy VII remake.  I wasnā€™t expecting this, and it wasnā€™t very long, but I wanted to give my thoughts on the demo before the official game arrives next month.  This is going to be one of the rare times where my most anticipated games and the industryā€™s most anticipated games will match up. The demo is short, it only lasted about an hour.  It features the opening cinematic and the first attack on the No. 1 reactor.  As everyone knows by now, this will be the first in a series of remakes of the initial game.  It will take the party up through the end of Midgar.  That was about 10 hours in the original game, but will need to cover a full 40 plus hours here.  As such, there will certainly be added story elements and extended sections.  It looks like the openi...

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Well, Iā€™m sure surprised it took us this long to get here. During my Mega Man reviews, I talked at length about how that was the series that got me into gaming.  I have so many memories of seeing and playing it for the first time as a child and being blown away.  But over time, I started to gravitate away from the blue bomber as I got older and my tastes changed.  Enter Final Fantasy .  If Mega Man was the reason I started playing video games, FF is the reason I kept playing them and continue to play them. Like Mega Man, Final Fantasy certainly has its offshoot games.  Of all of them in my collection, Crystal Chronicles is probably the biggest deviation from the rest of the series.  Released on the GameCube in the early 00ā€™s, FFCC was the first game in the series on a Nintendo console in more than 10 years.   The story goes that SquareSoft, the publisher behind Final Fantasy , felt their games had essentially outgrown Nin...