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Showing posts with the label first person shooter


  I've talked about "random shareware" quite a bit in the past. Those demos that everyone in the 90's seemed to have installed on their computers without any knowledge of how they got there. It's finally time to talk about the game that, for me personally, epitomized that phenomenon. I had absolutely no idea how the first episode of Heretic ended up on my computer back in the day, but I can tell you for a fact I played those levels over and over again. As is apparent to anyone who follows my content, I am a huge fan of Doom. But I've always been more of a fantasy nerd than a sci-fi nerd. So now you are telling me there's a game that's basically Doom but in a fantasy setting? Sign me up! It's funny how things come full circle, the mystery of how Heretic got on my computer has been in the back of my mind for longer than it probably should have been. Yet thanks to the research I've done for this post, I think it is close to being solved. Whenever ...

Doom 64

  Looks like we are sticking with first person shooters this week. This time though, we're moving back a generation. Nintendo consoles have always had a reputation for being more kid and family oriented. That's probably because, well, they kind of are. I don't really see anything wrong with that, I would rather play a quality game without gratuitous violence than a lousy game with it. That being said, there is something to be said for offering more variety and having games targeted at older audience. More adult games don't necessarily mean more violence, games get T or M ratings for reasons other than blood and gore, but it often comes with the territory. And it's a territory the big N doesn't play in quite as frequently as its competitors. Remember how the SNES version of Mortal Kombat had sweat instead of blood? However, it also meant that when these games were announced, they tended to garner a lot of hype. The gaming media lost their collective minds when th...


The early 00's were a very formative time for video games. This was especially true of console first person shooters. FPS' were dime a dozen on the PC, but it was still a bit of a struggle to get them right on consoles. The first real success, at least to me, came in the form of a handful of really solid Doom ports to the 5th generation consoles, as well as some noble efforts to port the FPS giant to 4th gen hardware (I played a tons of SNES Doom, and I still find it very enjoyable despite the fact it's definitely not the best way to play the game). Turok: Dinosaur Hunter gave way to Goldeneye, which gave way to Perfect Dark on the N64. And if those titles were the seed of FPS' as a viable genre on console, Halo was the tree they eventually blossomed into. Look, I don't like Halo nearly as much as most people do. But you absolutely cannot deny it was revolutionary in terms of graphics, presentation, gameplay and especially control scheme. Halo did for FPS on console...

Real Heroes: Firefighter

  With the amount of unique video games that exists, it's always surprising how certain subject matter just isn't represented all that frequently. There really aren't that many games about firefighters out there and it kind of feels odd. They do exist, but they are few and far between and it almost feels like there should be more. I mean, how many kids out there want to be firemen? How many towns have all volunteer fire departments? How many firefighter shows are on TV? It's not like the premise would be completely out there. And yet, firefighting games are few and far between and the few that do exist tend to be off the radar budget titles. Which brings us to Real Heroes: Firefighter. Originally released in 2009 for the Wii, it was updated and ported to the PS4, XBox One and Switch in 2020. The game has so many publishers and developers listed for it that I couldn't tell you exactly who created which version and when. What is immediately apparent is that RH:F was m...

Doom II

It's very rare that a developer gets it right on the first try. Look at my 10's list, or even a typical critic's list of the greatest games of all time and you will find very few inaugural titles. Super Mario World, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Resident Evil 4, Super Metroid, it's almost always a second, third, fourth, even fifth title in a series that's featured on those lists. I can only think of a few games where a series just knocked it out of the park on the first try. Deus Ex is one, we will definitely be discussing that at some point, probably next year. Chrono Trigger is another, I poke fun of the cult-like obsession with the game but that doesn't change the fact it's an all-time classic and one of the greatest video games ever made. But today, we are going to talk about the sequel to another all-time great series first: Doom. I think I've made my love for the original Doom pretty clear, it's one of my favorite games ever. It...

History Civil War: Secret Missions

  Quick, what's the first brand you would associate with a video game? Would it be a major media franchise? There are tons of those, name a media franchise and it's had a video game made about it. Would it be a food company? That's been pretty common since the early days of gaming. A consumer goods company? Depending on the game, it could make sense. Maybe a sports league or wrestling promotion? Hell, that may be the most common situation you see, there's a new NFL, NBA, NHL and WWE game every year.  At this point, many video game franchises have become brands themselves. Mario, Sonic, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, and a host of others are essentially brands of their own at this point. Look, video games are, were and always have been great opportunities for branding, at least when the branding makes sense. But sometimes, you still find games featuring brands that shock you. If you asked me "which brands do you think would best lend themselves to video games?"...

Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie

  Yes, that's the full title of the game. It might be the most ridiculous game title I've ever heard in my life. I mean, I guess it does make sense: this game is the official licensed game of the King Kong film from the early 'aughts directed by Peter Jackson. But it's just such a mouthful. They couldn't just call it "King Kong: The Movie" or something like that? Maybe just "King Kong?" Could you imagine if they called Super Star Wars "George Lucas Presents: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope: The Official Game of The Original Film Trilogy: Part 1?" Now it's really got me thinking, is this the only game in history to include a film director's name in it's title? See, this is where your mind goes when you start playing these licensed games. They're all so terrible, so you have to keep yourself distracted with things like that. Well, maybe not all of them. MOST of them are terrible, not all of them. There are a few pretty go...

The 10s: Doom

Taking on the armies of hell, one demon at a time... When you think about it, its really unbelievable how many first person shooters are out there right now.  Call of Duty, Battlefield, Halo, the list goes on and on and on. And its not just straight up FPSā€™ anymore.  Open world games are FPSā€™ now (Far Cry).  Hell, even RPGs are more FPSā€™ than RPGs now (looking at you Fallout).  Itā€™s getting a little tiresome, even if I do love a good FPS.  But that wasnā€™t always the case.  There was a time where these games were a novelty, something you only saw a few times in a generation.  So what happened?  Doom.  Doom is what happened. Donā€™t get me wrong, Doom was far from the first FPS.  There were games like maze war dating back to the 1970s and of course, there was ID softwareā€™s precursor to Doom, Wolfenstein 3D.  But none of those quite captured the hearts and minds of Americans like the journey of a single, unname...