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Showing posts with the label driving

Vigilante 8

After last weekā€™s review, I found myself in the mood for a vehicular combat game.  I thought a lot about playing one of the Twisted Metal titles I own, but decided I would save them for later.  They arenā€™t that far out of the ordinary anyway. Instead, I turned a game thatā€™s very near and dear to my heart, Vigilante 8.  The genre is almost extinct now, but in the late 90ā€™s/early 00ā€™s, vehicular combat games were everywhere.  The genre, at least in its 3D form, was essentially created by Twisted Metal and most of the games that followed it tried to one up the early PS1 title.  TM was filled with crazy cars, bizarre characters and cartoonish stages, so others tried to compete by trying to get crazier, weirder and more ā€œout there,ā€ usually to mixed results. Vigilante 8, on the other hand, went in the opposite direction.  Set in the Southwestern United States in the 1970ā€™s, V8 ditched the demonic ice cream trucks and guys stuck ...