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F-Zero GX

Oh great, another racing game.  By now you all know exactly how this is going to go.  At this point I think I’ve made it clear that I don’t like racing games, I hate driving, they usually don’t appeal to me, etc. etc.  This is just going to be more of the same, right? Not so fast.  This futuristic racer isn’t like the “realistic” racing games I covered before, nor is it a random entry in a series that has nothing else to do with racing.  F-Zero GX, released for the GameCube in 2003, is an absolutely phenomenal game from what many consider to be Nintendo’s forgotten first party franchise. Most gamers know series protagonist Captain Falcon from Super Smash Bros., but F-Zero has had little love thrown its way by the big N other than a few references in that series.  How little love?  This week’s game was the last one released on a non handheld console in the United States.  Remember, this came out in 2003, which was 17 years and almost three console generations ago.  And it really is an