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Showing posts with the label streets of rage

Streets of Rage 2

After lamenting the almost two decade drought of F-Zero titles last week, it looks like there could be hope for the franchise yet. This week’s entry will take us to Sega’s Streets of Rage franchise, a series of beat-em-up title that defined the Genesis.  The original game even came as part of the “Sega 6-Pack” cartridge, which to me was always such a definitive collection of the most popular (not best, most popular) series on the console.  It was a landmark franchise for the company…until it wasn’t.  After the third game released in 1994, it fell off the face of the Earth.  No SOR on the Saturn.  No SOR on the Dreamcast.  No SOR on any other console once Sega switched to software only.   Fortunately, that was finally remedied this year, with Streets of Rage 4 hitting modern consoles a few months ago.  It’s great to see the dormant franchise receive new life, but that isn’t the game we are going to discuss. Many Sega fans have told me they believe the second game, released in 19