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Showing posts with the label Castlevania:Lament of Innocence

Castlevania:Lament of Innocence

Castlevania: Lament of Innocence I must say I have never been a diehard Castlevania fan.  I really liked Symphony of the Night, but I always found the SNES and NES games too slow and plodding.  I recognize their quality, but in a world of Marioā€™s and Mega Manā€™s they could never really hold my interest.   Besides, it seemed like the series died out on home consoles after SOTN.  Sure, there were tons of them on handheld consoles, but I never really owned handhelds.  I think it had a lot to do with how poorly the N64 ā€˜vania games were (and make no mistake about it, they were bad).  That leads us to Lament of Innocence.  I donā€™t remember it getting much hype when it came out and I donā€™t remember it being reviewed too well or too poorly.  I also didnā€™t remember having it in my collection, but here we are.   I guess we will start with storyline and presentation.  For those that care, this is the first game in t...