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Showing posts with the label Allstar Baseball 2003

All-Star Baseball 2003

 I think this might be the first time I've ever gone back to a series that wasn't a "big deal" video game IP. Sure I've had multiple posts about Mega Man and Final Fantasy games, but those series' are household names. They certainly aren't as obscure as a discontinued series of baseball games that ran through the late 90s and early aughts. I already covered All-Star Baseball 99 for the Nintendo 64, a game I gave a pretty good score. At the time, it was probably the best baseball sim you could find. It's certainly not anymore, but its still a good, fun game to break out from time to time. But if that game was so great, what happened to the franchise? Well, for one, the company that made it went out of business. Acclaim filed for bankruptcy in 2004 and it's intellectual properties were auctioned off, most of which were purchased by a company called Throwback Entertainment. Throwback then proceeded to do a big, fat nothing with the ASB series until 20