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Showing posts with the label mega man battle and chase

Mega Man: Battle and Chase

Mega Man Battle and Chase I wasn’t going to continue with the Mega Man games, but I just had to write about this one.   Who knew there existed a Mega Man kart racer?  I sure as hell didn’t.  After the last two weeks, I decided to fire up Mega Man X legacy collection, as I wanted to play through X3.  Upon finishing it, I accidentally unlocked Battle and Chase without realizing I had done so. Apparently it was released in Japan and Europe for the PS1, but never made it to the U.S. That usually means one  or more of the following: It completely sucked OR was absolutely incredible It’s overflowing with Japanese cultural references that wouldn’t translate It’s rrrreaaaaaaallllllly hard Yet none of those things are true here.  It’s an okay game filled with familiar Mega Man characters that’s a little too easy for its own good.  Battle and Chase is fun, but its very flawed and kind of simplistic.  There are some really great ideas, but the execution isn’t