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Showing posts with the label mega man battle and chase

Mega Man: Battle and Chase

Mega Man Battle and Chase I wasnā€™t going to continue with the Mega Man games, but I just had to write about this one.   Who knew there existed a Mega Man kart racer?  I sure as hell didnā€™t.  After the last two weeks, I decided to fire up Mega Man X legacy collection, as I wanted to play through X3.  Upon finishing it, I accidentally unlocked Battle and Chase without realizing I had done so. Apparently it was released in Japan and Europe for the PS1, but never made it to the U.S. That usually means one  or more of the following: It completely sucked OR was absolutely incredible Itā€™s overflowing with Japanese cultural references that wouldnā€™t translate Itā€™s rrrreaaaaaaallllllly hard Yet none of those things are true here.  Itā€™s an okay game filled with familiar Mega Man characters thatā€™s a little too easy for its own good.  Battle and Chase is fun, but its very flawed and kind of simplistic.  There are some real...