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Showing posts with the label arcade games

Virtua Fighter 2

  Sometimes, I wish I had more time to play video games. You know what? That's not a sometimes, it's an always kind of thing. I actually do play the games I review and unless something is just straight up terrible, I try to play it to completion. Trust me, I'd like to play more RPGs but I can't bang out a 40 hour game in a week. Usually, I feel like I have sufficient time to get at least an everyday gamer's level of understanding of a game. That's kind of all I need, it's sort of in line with my gimmick. But sometimes I come across something I wish I could put more time into, or at least feel like I should put more time into. I have heard since the 90's just how great Virtua Fighter 2 is, that it's incredibly easy to learn but incredibly difficult to master. I don't know how true it is, but I remember hearing stories of Japanese players lining up and waiting for hours to receive lessons from pro VF2 players back in the 90's. It's not hard

Mega Man: The Power Battle and Mega Man 2: Power Fighters

It's a two for one offering this week. Double the Mega Man! I've wanted to discuss these two games for a while and it's been quite some time since I have discussed the Mega Man series, so I figured now was the time. I know I've covered these games a lot, but what can I say, I love that little blue guy. While I've certainly discussed MM a ton, probably more than any gaming franchise, I've found that the series provides tons of oddities that most mainstream series' just don't. I think it comes from being one of the early targets of the "its the same game over and over again" critics, it's definitely the first series I remember being slammed by reviewers for that. Honestly, they weren't completely off base in that assessment. It seems that Capcom heard the criticism and took it to heart, sometimes almost too much so. Some of their spinoffs worked, some didn't. But I'm not sure any of those spinoffs are quite as obscure as these two