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Showing posts with the label Antz extreme racing

Antz Extreme Racing

Looks like itā€™s back to license games yet again. I think itā€™s worth reiterating that not all licensed games are bad.   I mean, last weekā€™s 10ā€™s game was technically licensed.    So are just about all sports games.   But you know that I know that you know those arenā€™t the kind of games Iā€™m talking about.   Iā€™m talking about stuff like ā€œThe Golden Compassā€ or ā€œStreet Fighter: The Movie: The Game.ā€   And yet as strange as the latter was, this weekā€™s entry may be even more bizarre. Some of you might remember Antz, DreamWorksā€™ first digitally animated feature.   Released in 1998, it received solid reviews and performed okay at the box office.   It had quite the star-studded voice cast too, with Woody Allen, Sharon Stone, J-Lo, Christopher Walken, Sylvester Stalone, Danny Glover and Gene Hackman.   It also massively pissed off Pixar, who accused it of ripping off their follow-up to Toy Story, ā€œA Bugā€™s Life,ā€ which would hit theatres o...