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Showing posts from November, 2021

Chocobo Racing

It seems like every gaming IP from the late 90's/early 00's ended up with a kart racer. Even some non-gaming IPs got kart racers. Anybody remember Homie Rollerz? Maybe I'll play that one later. I guess you can thank Mario Kart for all of that. I mean, hey, it worked for Nintendo, why wouldn't it work for everyone else? Because all developers take the time and care in creating their spinoffs as Nintendo while also having a similarly large cast of memorable characters to pull from, right? Yeah, a lot of these racers turn out to be not great, they're kind of like movie licensed games that are cranked out just to to make a quick buck. And it's not just second rate developers that are guilty either. Sega has since redeemed themselves, but Sonic R wasn't a very good game at all. That said, not every kart racer is a bad Mario Kart clone. Crash Team Racing is a very good game, one I'll likely review in the near future. Even though one turned out well and the oth

Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie

  Yes, that's the full title of the game. It might be the most ridiculous game title I've ever heard in my life. I mean, I guess it does make sense: this game is the official licensed game of the King Kong film from the early 'aughts directed by Peter Jackson. But it's just such a mouthful. They couldn't just call it "King Kong: The Movie" or something like that? Maybe just "King Kong?" Could you imagine if they called Super Star Wars "George Lucas Presents: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope: The Official Game of The Original Film Trilogy: Part 1?" Now it's really got me thinking, is this the only game in history to include a film director's name in it's title? See, this is where your mind goes when you start playing these licensed games. They're all so terrible, so you have to keep yourself distracted with things like that. Well, maybe not all of them. MOST of them are terrible, not all of them. There are a few pretty go

Jet Grind Radio

  For the first time, I'm going to have to put an asterisk on a review. Yeah I know, even at the beginning of the review I know its going to have to happen. It's just going to have to. I know Sega fans really love Jet Grind Radio (called Jet Set Radio outside the US) and its generally pretty well regarded for a variety of reasons. But here's the thing you have to remember when you are reviewing media; reviewers are looking at both objective and subjective aspects. When it comes to video games, that means you are looking at things like control and graphics as well as fun factor. However, I've always felt things always leaned more on the subjective. Sure, some games have outright bad controls, but sometimes they have a bit of a subjective component as well. Some people hate tank controls, others don't mind them. Sometimes, a game can be objectively strong, but a reviewer can find it subjectively bad (as I did with Star Fox Adventures ). Other times, a game can make up

The 10's: Legend of Legaia

I don't want any more sad things to happen! I hate suffering! That means we need to destroy the mist, that will stop the suffering! Contrary to popular belief, there were RPGs developed by companies other than Square or Enix. Hey, remember when they were separate companies? Or when they weren't owned by EA? They really made some outstanding games back then. I'm going to cover quite a few of those games in the 10's, but this week we're going to take a look at another RPG, one of only a handful of games ever developed by Contrail and Prokion. The small, internal studio within Sony didn't last very long or produce very much. However, it was responsible for producing what I consider to be one of the most underrated, underappreciated, misunderstood games of all time: Legend of Legaia. Legend of Legaia received somewhat middling reviews in its day, and in some respects I can understand why. It has a relatively simplistic plot, at least on its surface, and some of the