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Broadening Horizons: Adding New Consoles

 I want to take a little break from game reviews, I haven't had as much time to play the past few weeks and even less time to write. Besides, I kind of want to start changing things up a little bit.

I hope it's been some level of noticable that I have been trying to incorporate some new gaming platforms into my coverage as of late, or at the very least have a little bit more variety. I have talked about this in the past, but it's almost impossible to completely eliminate bias from coverage. I was a Nintendo person that became a Sony person, who also had fairly consistent access to Sega and Microsoft consoles here and there. Looking back at the blog, you can really see that. It's further compounded by my genre preferences, I tend to gravitate to RPGs and fighting games. As such, my blog has a fairly understandable bias towards the SNES and PS1. I review a lot of 6th generation games, though that's less about bias and more about the fact that I just have more games from that generation than any other. Even there, I don't have a whole lot of XBox exclusives, though it's also worth noting that's the era where exclusivity started to become less and less common. I've got a decent amount of Sega stuff, but it's almost entirely Genesis and Dreamcast, though I am hoping to change that soon. I have almost no content on some of the more obscure consoles of my time, I finally got to that with the Turbografx-16 games but there were so, so many random consoles from the 90's that I really want to dive deeper into those. And that isn't even touching on the bias that comes from being a North American gamer. Every time I hear UK gamers talk about their gaming PCs I've never heard of or hear about how they are still selling Master Systems in Brazil, it makes me realize what a big world gaming really is.

Look, I'm always going to have certain preferences for games, but I also want to try and branch out and try new stuff. It's going to be easier said than done, not all of these games are that easy to come by. But I want to work a little harder to focus more on some different consoles. I can't say I'm going to stop playing games on the consoles I love, but I definitely want to branch out a little more. It might not seem like it first, I do have some stuff on more popular platforms on the horizon. On the podcast, I want to start going back through some of my blog archives and talking about some of those games as well. I kind of wish I had started podcast earlier, but it is what it is and I still think there's value in doing that. Plus, some of those posts are five years old at this point, so I want an excuse to talk about some of these games again.

So, sorry for the short, non-game related, non-signifigcant post that didn't really say all that much. Sometimes you need to take a little break and I've been a little burnt out on the blog lately. Not sure how many people actually read this stuff, I doubt it's many, but a big thanks to all those that do. 


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