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Showing posts with the label 3d fighters

Battle Arena Toshinden 3

Happy 2020 everyone!  I figured I would kick the year off with a game that has nothing to do with 2020 in any way, shape or form. I have to say, I had no idea this game existed.  I knew Battle Arena Toshinden got a sequel, but I didn’t realize it had two (actually three, the fourth game only came out in Japan and PAL regions).  The series is certainly obscure, it hasn’t had a new release in North America since 1997.  That being said, it’s a series that holds special place in PlayStation and general fighting game lore.  It was a PS1 launch title and the focus of many of Sony’s early ad campaigns.  It was also one of the first truly 3D fighting games and the first to have a sidestep button.  It may not have been the best game ever made, but it was an important one.  When you think about it, it actually makes sense that this game would get a sequel.  A forward thinking, borderline revolutionary game with some flaws seems like the perfect candidate.  The controls

Dark Rift

Dark Rift, N64 So after last week’s stinker, it’s time to mix it up a bit.  This will be our first N64 game AND our first fighting game. Fighting games are kind of hard to review in my opinion.  You can describe the controls in a platformer or FPS and its usually pretty easy to convey what you like or don’t like.  That’s harder in a fighting game as, at least for me personally, its really hard to understand control flaws unless you play them yourself. In addition, a lot of elements of other genres just aren’t that important in fighting games.  Most fighting games have nonsensical or non-existent storylines and Dark Rift is no different.  You have a collection of fighters competing for something called the “Core Prime Element,” all for their various reasons.  It doesn’t get much beyond that, but in a fighting game that’s okay. I should also mention this is a pseudo-sequel to another 3D fighter called Criticom, which I had never heard of before I di