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Showing posts with the label fps

The 10'S: Goldeneye:007

Bond.. James Bond Unlike most of my 10's games, I'm not entirely sure where to start with Goldeneye. On one hand, it's a favorite target, possibly THE favorite target, of the "aged poorly" people who absolutely despise this generation of gaming for some unknown reason. It's funny, to me at least, that a good majority of people with this mindset either weren't born or were very young when this game came out. But by the same token, it was such a cultural phenomena and so many people are so nostalgic for it that they are often unable to overlook its flaws or realize that, yes, certain aspects of the game are "dated." I'm going to be honest, if I split hairs and actually ranked my 10's games, Goldeneye would probably finish near the bottom. I wasn't about to go out and say that it was terrible, but I had to really sit back and evaluate whether nostalgia was clouding my opinion of the game before I fired it up again. When it was all said a

The 10s: Doom

Taking on the armies of hell, one demon at a time... When you think about it, its really unbelievable how many first person shooters are out there right now.  Call of Duty, Battlefield, Halo, the list goes on and on and on. And its not just straight up FPS’ anymore.  Open world games are FPS’ now (Far Cry).  Hell, even RPGs are more FPS’ than RPGs now (looking at you Fallout).  It’s getting a little tiresome, even if I do love a good FPS.  But that wasn’t always the case.  There was a time where these games were a novelty, something you only saw a few times in a generation.  So what happened?  Doom.  Doom is what happened. Don’t get me wrong, Doom was far from the first FPS.  There were games like maze war dating back to the 1970s and of course, there was ID software’s precursor to Doom, Wolfenstein 3D.  But none of those quite captured the hearts and minds of Americans like the journey of a single, unnamed space marine and his battle against the armies of he