Initially released as Final Fantasy 3 on the Super Nintendo, the game was the 6th installment in the series in Japan. The game follows the story of a mysterious young woman named Terra, who is a slave in the service of the empire. They plan to use her powerful magic to shape the world in their own image. After she escapes on a routine mission, it sets off a huge series of events which sees a group of heroes born, an empire fall, and one of gaming greatest villains come to power. In fact Kefka is so evil, he manges to succeed where some many other villains fail. That's right, he successfully destroys the world in an amazing, dramatic ending. What makes the game truly stand out though is that it is only the ending of the first half of the game. A truly great RPG with an awesome story, some weak character development is all that keeps it below some of its predecessors.
Pros: Awesome story, ATB system, Graphics, Epic 40+ hour quest, Dungeon design, Several Legendary RPG moments
Pros: Awesome story, ATB system, Graphics, Epic 40+ hour quest, Dungeon design, Several Legendary RPG moments
Cons: Weak character development, Drags on at the end, several useless characters
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