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Showing posts from October, 2019

The Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon

The Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon Hi Kids!  Today we are going to talk about a very serious topic...drugs. Itā€™s no secret that drugs are bad for you.  They are illegal, unhealthy and expensive.  Of course, that isnā€™t going to stop people from using them, but just because someone else does something doesnā€™t mean you should too.  Even if they can make you see or feel something completely out of the realm of ordinary, the long and short term effects can be devastating.   Besides, there are plenty of ways to experience what its like to be high/tripping/rolling/etc. without risking your health.  One of those is to play ā€œThe Mystical Ninja.ā€  The best way I can imagine this gameā€™s development is that a team of folks at Konami hacked the source code of Super Mario 64, ingested one or more types of some unknown illicit substance, watched a documentary about Japanese culture and made a video game. And, despite all of its technical fl...

Star Wars

This year marks the 30th anniversary of one of the most important game consoles ever released...the Nintendo GameBoy.  It may not have looked liked much, but this little gray beast with monochrome graphics stuck around for 14 years, outlasting the NES, SNES and N64.  Hell, the GameCube came out before Nintendo stopped making these things. They came out with all sorts of iterations, including the smaller and better lit GameBoy Pocket and the GameBoy Color, which, you guessed it, played games in color.  There were also about eleventy billion accessories, maybe three of which were actually useful. I wanted to review a GameBoy game in honor of the milestone, but most of mine have been lost to the ages.  The GameBoy was great to take on the road with you, but the small cartridges were easy to lose in all sorts of places.  I didnā€™t want to play any of the obvious ones, so, Star Wars it is. This is a straight up port of the NES Star W...

World Heroes 2 Jet

So today, we are going to talk about a fighting game. This game is the second entry in a well known 90s tournament fighter franchise.  Itā€™s sort of a sequel to a sequel, with extra modes and the ability to make the action a little faster.  It features a colorful cast of characters representing various countries, each with their own unique fighting styles and special moves.  You all know which one I mean. Of course, Iā€™m talking about World Heroes 2 Jet!  What? Street Fighter II Turbo?  Never heard of it.  In all seriousness, World Heroes was one of many tournament fighters SNK produced in the 90s. Fighting games were incredibly popular in those days, but most companies stuck to one or two franchises.  Capcom had Street Fighter. Akklaim/Midway had Mortal Kombat.  SNK had World Heroes.  And Fatal Fury.  And King of Fighters.  And Art of Fighting. I think  there are others that I am forgetting, maybe Iā€™ll p...

Mega Man: Battle and Chase

Mega Man Battle and Chase I wasnā€™t going to continue with the Mega Man games, but I just had to write about this one.   Who knew there existed a Mega Man kart racer?  I sure as hell didnā€™t.  After the last two weeks, I decided to fire up Mega Man X legacy collection, as I wanted to play through X3.  Upon finishing it, I accidentally unlocked Battle and Chase without realizing I had done so. Apparently it was released in Japan and Europe for the PS1, but never made it to the U.S. That usually means one  or more of the following: It completely sucked OR was absolutely incredible Itā€™s overflowing with Japanese cultural references that wouldnā€™t translate Itā€™s rrrreaaaaaaallllllly hard Yet none of those things are true here.  Itā€™s an okay game filled with familiar Mega Man characters thatā€™s a little too easy for its own good.  Battle and Chase is fun, but its very flawed and kind of simplistic.  There are some real...