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What's In Store for 2021

Now that the end of year stuff is behind us, it's time to look ahead to 2021. A lot of years are good for some people and bad for others, but I don't think there are going to be too many people upset to see 2020 go. I don't think I need to go into detail as to why.

Regardless of what 2021 brings, it's going to be a busy year. I have some plans as to what I want to do and where I want to go with GOTBP, but they are going to have to wait until later in the year. I have something, or more accurately someone, that's going to come into my life and monopolize all my time. I am still going to keep up with the posting, but I will probably start the year with a heavy focus on genres that are easier to review, like fighting and (sigh) racing games. However, once we get a little settled, I want to move to add in some new stuff, like:


I don't know what format it's going to take, but I want to do some more audio. I don't know if it's going to be a podcast or a talking head video or just embedded recordings, but I think this is the next logical step for me. I don't have the means to do any gameplay footage or anything like that, but audio could work. Half the inspiration for me starting GOTBP came from podcasts, so why not give it a try.

Getting back to "columns"

I've tried to get a couple things to stick the past two years, but none of them ever have. I want to get back to some of those, particularly "gaming on a budget." I also want to spend some more time playing through my backlog of PlayStation Plus games. There are a lot of great games on there and I feel like I'm not getting enough out of the service.

Retrospectives, opinions, other articles

I don't really know what else to call this, but I do want to occasionally mix in non-review posts. I don't want to do it too much, but sometimes these are fun to do and they are a good change of pace. Who knows, maybe I'll aggravate some people and go viral.

Well, that's it for now. Hopefully I'll get back on track next week with a game review. Either way, I can't wait to see what's in store for this year.


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