Dark Rift, N64 So after last week’s stinker, it’s time to mix it up a bit. This will be our first N64 game AND our first fighting game. Fighting games are kind of hard to review in my opinion. You can describe the controls in a platformer or FPS and its usually pretty easy to convey what you like or don’t like. That’s harder in a fighting game as, at least for me personally, its really hard to understand control flaws unless you play them yourself. In addition, a lot of elements of other genres just aren’t that important in fighting games. Most fighting games have nonsensical or non-existent storylines and Dark Rift is no different. You have a collection of fighters competing for something called the “Core Prime Element,” all for their various reasons. It doesn’t get much beyond that, but in a fighting game that’s okay. I should also mention this is a pseudo-sequel to another 3D fighter called Criticom, which I h...
Old school game reviews and discussion, from the unfamiliar and obscure to the classics you know and love.