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Games I Want to Revisit

 Sorry for another non-review, but it's been yet another busy week.

Since this will be the first time I look back at a previously reviewed game on my podcast, I figured I would talk a little bit about revisiting games here. I've been doing this a long time and it's getting to the point where I want to give certain games a second look. Maybe it's because I felt I didn't do a game justice the first time. Maybe it's because there were a few games that were close to 10's that I think are in contention for a full score. Maybe it's because I just feel like it. Honestly, I've found it a little weird the last few years that I pretty much haven't been able to re-play anything because I just have to keep moving forward with new content. Oh well, enough complaining. My top five games that are candidates for revisiting include:

Honestly, the only thing holding me back from having replayed this already is time. I really, really want to do another playthrough but I'm not sure I'm ready to make another 50-hour investment. Not going to lie, I'm also kind of dreading having to go through the Kalpas again. There are two huge reasons I want to replay SMT. The first is that I want to delve a little deeper into all of the themes this game presents, it's very deep and I feel like my review didn't really do it justice. The second is that I want to reassess whether this is a 10 or not. I really liked SMT a lot but stopped short of giving it a 10. In the years since, I've played quite a few RPGs and I think this might be closer to a full 10 than I initially thought. I just have to find the time and some willingness to take on a pretty brutal game (I am totally using a walkthrough for the obelisk this time).

A lot of this is actually just that, well, I want to boot up some F-Zero and race. I would totally be down to play a newer F-Zero game, but the problem is a newer F-Zero game doesn't exist. I'm still trying to figure out why. But, like SMT, I want to re-evaluate whether I believe F-Zero GX deserves to be a 10. The fact that someone that hates racing games is even considering this as a potential 10 should tell you all you need to know about how good it is. I will ask again, where is our current gen F-Zero game? I haven't purchased a Nintendo console in years, but that may be a system seller for me.

I think I was a little too harsh on the blood-soaked action title from Konami. It sort of played like a futuristic version of their 3D Castlevania titles. It featured an absolutely ridiculous, off-the-wall story with horrible voice acting. But looking back now, I feel like that was kind of the point. It was also incredibly difficult and unforgiving, much more so than the Castlevania game I had previously reviewed. I think I kind of went into Nano Breaker expecting a brainless action game, an easy walkthrough where I just got to smash enemies. I think I need to go into it again with the intent of buckling down and playing hard.

This game bored me to tears when I first played it, so I scored it accordingly. I recognized it's quality, I just found the gameplay to be incredibly boring. I think the bigger issue is that I just wasn't in the mood for this kind of game when I started my playthrough. I was just looking for something that fit the theme and I got tired of it quickly. I really think I need to give it another shot, because it was an interesting concept despite the fact it should have had absolutely nothing to do with Star Fox.

As with Star Fox Adventures, I don't think I gave Headdy as much attention as I should have. I don't think it's of quite as high quality, but I think it was a bit better than I gave it credit for. I just really wasn't in the mood for a 2D platformer when I booted it up and I think it kind of clouded my judgement.

Those won't be the only games I ever revisit, or even the first games I revisit, but they are on my list. It's definitely something I want to do more of in the future.


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