The Legend of Dragoon, Part 1 I really, really would like to play and write about JRPGs of this era, but they are just too long to review consistently. I am trying to always have a JRPG going on as I play other games, as they are my favorite genre by far. That said, each of them are going to get a two part blog when I finish them, because I want to get the most out of my 40 hour investment. I firmly believe that 1995-2001 were the golden years for JRPGs and The Legend of Dragoon fits right into that window. I wouldn’t exactly consider it a forgotten game. In fact, I wanted to cover it for the opposite reason I have covered most games so far. More recent online conversation around LOD paint it as a classic, an all time great, yet another jewel in the crown that is the PS1’s RPG Library. People count it among their favorite games, touting it as a must play. Funny, that’s not the way I remember it when it came out. Wh...
Old school game reviews and discussion, from the unfamiliar and obscure to the classics you know and love.